one hundred stories…

One hundred chapters.

 When I started this story series, I expected a large number of chapters but I didn’t expect this many. The battles have been fun to play out and various plot pieces have been fun to write and ideas plan out.  I enjoy a good tale and I hope like hell that I’ve entertained folks with all of this.

 As I have gone along, I’ve tried to remain consistent and not forget potential hooks as I spin things in the vein of how the Twilight of the Clans was spun.  Or how Stackpole wrote his Warrior trilogy (you know, the three books that got me into Battletech)

 As such, some of the various bits mentioned early on within the Storm saga will crop up. Trinitiy’s package to her dad has NOT been forgotten but with the chaos of the counterattack, its going to take time to crop up.

 Also being planned out is more Blood Spirits commando stuff. Argyle, Duncan and the others have got work to do and rescuing over a hundred prisoners is going to be a task. 16 Commandos is not a large number but they are skilled and they are creative. And right now, I am not sure how I am going to write it out but it will get some time here.

 The battles to come are going to be fun to play out. I love fielding my Comguard figs- the mechs in the formations are good designs and generally plain enjoyable to play with.

 There are plenty of battles to come. More Knights of the Inner Sphere battles, the Reign will have another appearance and of course, The Legion has its fight against the Grey Bolts.  Before those battles happen, I need to look up the rules for gun towers….

I do apologize for the delays, by the way. Since the start of the year, its been a crazy few months and will be a busy time over the next month with Historicon 2023 in two weeks. No crazy model building for it this time, at least…

 For now, enjoy the stories and be aware there is a plan to go back over some of the early chapters to clean them up some and bring them into alignment. But that is future work.

I hope everyone enjoys their summer and for those who game, may your dice be hot!

Legends and Myths 100- The Storm: Liaison assignment and the ComGuard gets ready

Phoenix Lancer Operations Center Main Operations- Auburn

2359 hours local 13 December

  Tinney had been here most of the night monitoring the battles on all fronts and was quietly pleased.  With the West Side starting its push to the southeast to take the southern defenses in the side, he noted the cautious advances of the infantry scouts there. There would be no fighting, mech-wise, in the dark out there. For all the advanced sensors that were in some battlemech, they were HORRIBLE night fighters.

 Hannings’ idea in how to assault Zathras was bearing fruit and he was glad he authorized the use of Dusal troops.  As much as he wanted to do this on Lancer terms, the enclave of clansmen on Ashton were indispensable… and if he was honest with himself, perfect for the job here.  The appearance of Domini cyborg troopers were a surprise- but then, Krog and his ilk would be a counter surprise for the Blakists…

 “Sir, Chief Rowansberg is here,” A yeoman said to him. “Would you like her in the conference room?”

 “Yes, please…” Tinney answered. “Get a Leopard alerted for movement- They will be going to Johnson….”

 The yeoman nodded and departed to get the visitor situated and the drop ship alerted. He’d been here when the message from the Legion came in and he’d been surprised at the Colonel’s lack of surprise. But then, it had to be something really out there for it to show on the boss…


  Entering the conference room, Tinney looked over at his Command Company member. “Charlotte…” He began, “Let me preface this first with an I’m sorry.”

 Warrant Officer Two Charlotte Rowansberg looked at her commander. The short Brunette mechwarrior lifted an eyebrow at the apology. “Sorry? What did you do, I do or the universe do?” She asked.

 “Universe and my response to it,” He replied. “There was a request for a liaison officer with an assault machine by the Legion and I have no one really but yourself I can spare right now… and its grudgingly. I’d send Diane but she is technically still the Regimental Duelist and on call.”

 Charlotte nodded. “I see… and with the rest of the company back here unassigned, in theory… any and all of us are detachable as needed. Yes?” She asked then added. “And you aren’t sending CC why?”

 Tinney sighed.  “Because CC is likely to bring her black cloud with her… as well as get young warriors to do things they shouldn’t. I don’t need that headache out of sight and Hauptmann Pryme doesn’t need any more on his plate.” The colonel replied.

 Ciara (CC) Casey was a Banshee pilot and somewhat new to the Regimental Command Company.  She was also a risk-taker…. And trouble magnet. And not just because of her habit of over extension; her model-level looks and her several appearances as a Mech Jock Quarterly page 6 girl (prior to becoming a Lancer) generally caused young pilots to do dumb things to impress her. She did NOT encourage such things but young men being young men…

Which is why she was assigned to the Regimental Command Company instead of a line unit, despite her being young for the job. She was an excellent mech pilot, to be sure, but those two other things were an issue to a combat command not ready for it.

 Charlotte folded her arms across her chest. “So, you’re saying I’m the safer choice?” She fixed him with a stare, daring him to say the wrong thing.  She and the Colonel were friends, going back more than a few years…. And needling him over his protective nature as well as occasional faux pas was a game she got to play every so often.

 “No, I’m saying I can spare YOU. With the Sakura sisters both down mechs and Smithson’s hoodlums short both a pilot and mech, CC and her Banshee will be a seamless shift,” he said. “MacManus’s Blackwatch is still inoperable, and you know it- you were there when we pirated parts to get Sean Macauley’s beast back running.

 CC can take his place with her machine.  Which leaves you without a lance. So, you get to be a JAFFO as needed.” A pause. “You tell me if you want to keep the Command Pack installed.”

 Charlotte listened to her boss’ reasonings and she had to admit to herself, it seemed sound. “I see… and yes, I’ll hang on to it. For all we know, they may have a network without a master machine which would mean I get to do some work besides being an observer.”

 A nod. “Good… its settled.” Looking at his watch, he glanced back up at her. “Ops should have a Leopard on standby for you; Can you be back here within the hour? Less would be best…”

 Charlotte sighed. “Why did I expect you to ask that?”

“Because the moment I told you that you was going somewhere…”

 A laugh. “Yeah that…. Good thing I repacked my go bag when we landed and at least I’m not going off planet; I know the Johnson area so its kinda a vacation. Kind of…” She said with a shrug. “I take it you will get my machine moved on board for me while I’m getting my stuff?”

 A nod. “Yes, Chief Luckenbill should have it there by the time you get to the pad near the hangars.” He said. “Again, sorry… but this came up about two hours ago while I was dealing with Precentor McCormick’s combat briefing,” Tinney then picked up a small box and tossed it to her. “Before I forget….”

 “Gotcha…” She replied as she caught the box. “How did that go and what’s this?” she asked as she opened the box.

 “It went better than expected…. They are looking to get stuck in against the Word like you’d expect and McCormick was very accepting of prarameters. He’s a pro.  As for that…. That is the rank pins to this very informal promotion.  We will have the ceremony later… but you were due, Chief.” He smiled. “It will be adjusted on your mech too; stencils are easy.”

 Pulling the Chief Warrant Officer Three insignia out, she stared at it for a few moments while Tinney spoke.  Placing it back into the box, she looked at him. “Thank you, Colonel.”

 A nod. “There are a lot of promotions coming… and all those will be dealt with as their leadership can. Yours was on the list and as y’all are in MY company… and heading right out the door, I figure this might take some of the sting out of being sent off a day after getting home.”

 A smile. “It does, Colonel.  It definitely does.”  Coming to attention, she saluted him. “Permission to depart?”

 A return salute. “Granted… go liaise with Pryme and his people.  They have concerns over the missing drop ships and those warehouse bunkers we hadn’t cleared yet. One of so many damn projects… When Leslie returns, things are going to get busy.”

Phoenix Lancer Mech Bays

0230 hours local 14 December

 Precentor McCormick hefted the Lancer Emergency Field bag into his mech’s cockpit storage bin.  Dave had to admit, he was impressed with the emergency gear that was issue for the mercenaries.  Several days field rations, light body armor and a personal defense weapon of some kind. Their issue weapon was either a carbine version of the Federated M42B system or one of the various weapons produced by Relic Arms here on Centaurus.

 For him and his troops, the Lancers gave the option of using the Relic Tavor bullpups or MP-5 light submachine guns along with any of their service pistols (many being some sort of semi-auto)  Pretty solid options in any event, compared to the Comguard issued pulse laser pistols.  While he liked his pistol, its range was a touch lacking and when the power pack was empty, it was a pain to recharge if you didn’t have a spare. Considering they would have support and supply from the Lancers, he availed himself of one of the Tavor bullpups.

 As he closed the hatch, he thought back on the past few hours.  Since the meeting with Tinney and his presentation of offers, pretty much everyone elected to swap uniforms to the Lancer Standards as it made sense. A minor scramble to draw kits and get them to fit in machines happened next; this went quick and the only reason he was stowing his new kit now instead of four hours ago…. Was the planning session with the Operations Chief about where they were going to get stuck in.

 What McCormick had available was a somewhat overstrength Level III formation, roughly akin to a Battalion of troops in a normal Inner Sphere force.  Mixed within it was armor and battle-armor, though not terribly much of those but he had it all the same. This was in addition to the regular infantry that was security forces for the HPG facility, now guarded against looters. Those who didn’t have that duty were working with planetary militia as a supplement to their numbers; trained troops were trained troops and the Centaurus security forces were not going to refuse help.

 But it still had left his heavy combat forces without a job.  At least until now.

 The plan as presented to him was his ComGuard would be making the first push north of Zathras once it was taken. Lancer aerospace would ensure the few Word of Blake craft would not be in the sky overhead as his forces advanced.  While his troops engaged the defending Blakist forces, the Lancer Special Forces would be busy in their backfield trying to free hostages…. And as Tinney had told him, go looking to remove Dyckman from the equation.

 May Blake protect the troops doing that…

 For the initial push, the Good Precentor elected to be the tip of the initial spear for this.  His personal Level II would be teamed with Epsilon and their combined effort would kick in the door.  Based on available intelligence, a full company was expected to attempt to hold them back from the river crossing. Lancer Air had already bombed the bridge over the river up there, which would slow their reinforcements… and hinder the offensive going north.

 But one thing at a time… the beauty that was a ComGuard force was its interchangeability.  And when they arrived at that crossing, his most mobile elements would be on deck for it. Not that he had that many…. But he’d think of something; right now he needed to see to last minute details then grabbing some sleep. By this time tomorrow, they should be up in that area for a morning assault on the sixteenth, if Zathras gets recaptured fast enough.

Time would tell… Right now, though, he needed to do a last-minute check or three and grab some shuteye.  It had been a long time since he was in the field, but the lessons of his younger days were not forgotten. Rest when you can because you might not get any for a long while was one of the hardest lessons from back then but one that had stuck with him. And unlike some of his contemporaries with the ComGuard, he made a point to learn from past errors.

 As he got to the ground, he found one of his pilots waiting for him and he should not have been surprised at who it was. “Adept Morse?”

 The veteran female adept stood up from the small golfcart she had acquired from somewhere. “Precentor… I figured you might be still here, and I thought you might want a lift.” Adept Adele Morse was a veteran of Task Force Serpent and one of the longest serving with him. She always seemed to be around when he was either needing a hand or over his head; both sorts of events common enough (the former far more than the latter) that he noticed it.

 In checking her background just after the retaking of Centaurus, Dave had found sections of her records were sealed with a level of classification far higher than his Precentor-level could access. And as head of a Class B station, there was not terribly much that was that classified other than ROM stuff. And he was smart enough to not ask those questions; anything ROM related could be hazardous to health.

 Considering how much she had done on planet in fighting the occupation alongside of him and the natives, he had eventually figured she was some sort of ROM special operative who was either assigned to him as a guard- or as a final option should he jump ship for the Word. Not that he was planning on it… but it was somewhat sobering at the time in that they thought it was a possibility.

 Then about six months ago, just after his conversation with his cousin, she had handed him a set of cyphers without much a fanfare and simply said You need to know my full story now.Taking them, he then looked at her file and discovered she was exactly what he thought she was…. Her service records were rather illuminating on that score.

 And sobering- as there was a set of orders that had her detailed as his watchdog almost since Serpent. And that was almost eighteen years ago… So, with his possibly looking to leave and join his cousin, she evidently had decided to do the same. And in private conversations not long afterward, said so. She too had liked it here… Both the land and the people appealed to her and their overall acceptance of folks like her meant she too had a potential home. Add in her responsibility was looking to leave, she too was done.

 “Adept, I would have found a ride,” He said. “I am pretty certain that the duty driver would ensure I’d have gotten to our billets without much hassle.”

 “Certainly, Precentor,” She replied, rubbing the scar that graced her jawline. “However, it might have taken a while. Our hosts have a lot going on and with the Zathras operation going as it is, you might not get aas much sleep as you like if you have to wait for him to get you back.”

 A lifted eyebrow. “Its going that well?” He said, glancing at his watch. Zathras was two hours behind their zone zone.

 A nod. “Yes… it would seem the committing of Clan Dusal is proving to be incredibly smart; as you would expect, Krog Dusal and his people are being rather zealous in their work.” Morse replied to him as he got aboard the cart. “The Khan of Dusal likes to break things- and if it’s a Blakist, doubly so. I expect Zathras to be pacified by the afternoon.” She started the cart and motored out of the bays heading for the barracks they were staying in.

 “If that’s the case, we will be moving by afternoon today. Plan is to have us moving north by dawn sixteenth.”

 “Precentor… I expect us attacking tomorrow morning,” Morse commented as the cart hit top speed. “I don’t think the Lancers are going to operational pause that long; I wouldn’t if I had them on the back foot.”

McCormick looked at his companion. “For what its worth, I agree with you. As much as I’d like a day to get a good picture of what’s ahead of us, the gods of war are not usually giving of time. If they give anything…”

 A nod. “Very true.  And anything that gives Precentor Dyckman time to plan a counter or hit us first, is bad.” She commented as they pulled up to the barracks. “Sir, get some rest. I will work with Adept Chong and make sure everything is as ready as can be.”

 Turning to face him she continued. “Sir, pretty much everyone is all in… if last evening didn’t prove that, I am unsure what will. I will state plainly that there is none among us that doesn’t want to fight these bastards… and we all want to show the Mercenaries that the ComGuard will get the job done.”

 McCormick looked at Morse for a quiet second. “Adept,” he said finally, ”I know. And they know we can too. At least the veterans among them do. Right now, though, there is more than a few items to accomplish before movement.  Make sure you get some rest as well- even if not sleeping is your habit. Understood?”

 “Sir.” Said with a smile.

Legends and Myths Ninety Nine- The Storm: Johnson Developments… (guest story!)

Central Tarmac

Johnson Spaceport

1545 hrs local 13 December 3080

  Hauptman-Kommandant Pryme and Hauptmann Spector walked slowly across around the tarmac as if on a casual stroll. in truth they were making an unofficial inspection of the troops as they went about the daily business of campaign life.

  Technicians were making repairs or doing maintenance. sentries walked posts or stood guard at  critical building entrances. To the east, a sixteen-man recon platoon clad in combat armor mounted heavy motorcycles and headed out. “So far the location of the three dropships we want are not here.”, Lori Spector said, “But we have located the Grey Bolts.”

  This made Pryme stop short, almost tripping the two people walking close behind them, his “aide de camp” and personal bodyguard Lieutenant James Vance and Communications Specialist Warrant Officer Elizabeth Veratoni. Vance was a large muscular man standing just under two meters tall. his background included time spent in the Lyran Diplomatic Corps as a security specialist. Vance was an expert and lethal with any weapon that he had access to from a sniper rifle to a simple stick to his bare hands. in his spare time he taught an intense comabtives course.

 Elizabeth Veratoni was more of an enigma. There were no records to be found to show that she ever served in any military unit, but she was a capable mechwarrior, could speak, read and write at least 17 languages, had an more than casual understanding of cryptology and was a expert shot with a pistol.  Pretty and petite at 1.6 meters tall, she appeared to be quiet, almost shy to most people. But those who knew her knew she was always watching and listening.  She was Pryme’s commo ears, listening constantly on a subdermal headset sorting the unimportant and passing on the needed information. The pair rode in a Star League era VNT 1A Ventalator battlemech, with Vance as the pilot and Veratoni in the second seat of the double seated cockpit as the Commo and Artillery officer.

 Rebuilt, the Ventalator contained a mix of clan and inner-sphere tech. A clan gauss rifle was mounted in the right arm with a Steiner silver bullet gauss rifle mounted in the left. each carried sixteen rounds of ammunition. the four medium lasers were replaced with clan extended range mediums, while the inner-sphere target acquisition gear remained the same. Each torso also mounted an anti-battlemech pod providing a nasty surprise to anyone closing to melee range.

 “Where!” Pryme said, ” Where are they hiding!” The anger in his voice caught everyone within earshot by surprise. They stood silently for a minute as people returned to what they were doing. ” OK Lori,” he said quietly, “where are they?”

 Hauptman Spector took a deep breath and then began to explain. “There are a series of old concealed Star League bunkers that were discovered about six months ago. They were due to be explored and possibly renovated by the Lancers before this nightmare kicked off. I have a feeling there’s more to those bunkers than we- or the Lancers- know. At least that is the information I have currently; there is likely information we aren’t cleared on yet… but given what I DO know about the Lancers, they don’t like surprising allies or contractors with ‘Oh By The Ways’ ; because of that, I am going to give benefit of the doubt on their existence being an oversight in our briefs.

 Right now, I have the two recon platoons and the heavy scout lance probing the area to establish their defensive perimeter and search for weaknesses. As for our own position, the rest of the regiment jumped in and made landfall. Secops Groups has set up a defensive perimeter around this spaceport. Fire Support Cohort has moved to a position to support an attack on the bunkers or act as pickets to blunt any attack that they might make.”

  As she explained the relative positions of the bunkers and their own units, she used a map on a noteputer to give him visual references.

 “Alright I’ve heard enough,” Pryme said, “Command staff meeting at 2000 hrs, no excuses. Set it up in the warehouse we use as our mobile communications center. bring in all the information we have and have a burst commo setup for our recon teams, I want up to date info.”

 A pause. “I want to saddle up and move on them in a coordinated attack as soon as possible, the longer we wait the more prepared they’ll be. In the meantime send a priority message to Colonel Tinney and tell him we’re going to need a liaison officer out here as soon as possible, preferably one in an assault mech who has knowledge of this area and doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty.”

Legends and Myths Ninety Eight- The Storm: Zathras continued

Near the monorail station


0031 hours local 14 December

 Elements of the Lancer infantry battalion had gone to ground near the former monorail station and Bravo Company’s Texas Platoon, having reached it just before all hell broke loose with the Manei Domini troops entering the fray, secured it as best they could.

 They were joined by elements of rest of the company and from here, Calico platoon was sent to assist Simpson as they waited for reinforcements to arrive.  The platoon leader of Texas, First Lieutenant Jonah (JJ) Johns, consulted with her platoon sergeant on their hold.  “Kate, we have an update on the backup?”

 The platoon sergeant, Master Sergeant Kate Upton, shook her head. “Nope… Redcoat said they were on the way and we would know ‘em when they got here.” The blonde NCO ran a hand through the stubble of her shorn hair. “I hate it when they are being cryptic…”

 JJ nodded. “I’m guessing they are worried about compromised comms…” he replied. “The Domini assholes are potent but they ain’t supermen…”

 As Upton was about to reply, the commo tech looked over. “Top, OP Alpha reporting our reinforcements are here…”

 JJ looked at the tech. “What are they?”

 “Clan Dusal… and they’re asking where the dezgra Blakists are…”


 Krog landed in his hunter armor and looked about the area.  Once he had gotten the notion of their plan through the Lancer infantry leadership, the information given to him was about as solid as could be expected.  Maybe even a bit more…. Considering the chaos of the situation, it probably was better than it could have been.

 According to the info given to him a half hour ago, the Blakist troops were located on the north easter side of the town, near what was known to be a local law enforcement building. Based on what he knew of their practices, the Word of Blake had a tendency to repurpose those places into torture centers and holding places for those who were to be, quote, strenuously questioned, unquote, about what they knew.

 While interrogation had its place in war, what they did was over the top… and as far as he was concerned, without honor.  And while the Inner Sphere was full of questionable sorts and odd notions of honorable conduct, what those of the Word of Blake did crossed lines that didn’t need to be crossed. Maybe he was getting soft in his old age… but Krog had standards.  And much like the leader of the Lancers felt, there was only one solution to dealing with mad or rabid dogs.

 And Krog liked shooting things.

 “Looks like they ran, My Khan,” Boris Bear Dusal commented to Krog.  Boris, one of the handful of former Ghost Bear bondsmen among the Dusal, was large even for an Elemental.  And on this deployment, the trooper had elected to go with a normal suit instead of a headhunter class like the rest of the point. AS the big trooper had pointed out, having a longer ranged weapon might prove necessary…

 “Do you really think they would?” Bonita Jaguar Dusal snarked before Krog could answer. The former Smoke Jaguar clanswoman and wife of Krog was here for various reasons, chief among them was she didn’t want her mate to have all the fun. And by her definition it was Fun, If fighting those who wanted to kill you dead was fun, at least. “Blakists tend not to run… and the cyborgs less so. They are here, Boris.  Bet you the next kill on the new year’s hunt…”

 “Foolish bet…” Mongo Raven Dusal commented as he fixed his gaze at the roof of the police station. “Because there one is. Scatter!” He called out as he fired his suit’s laser. At the warning, the point scattered like the well-practiced formation they were, and the battle was joined as other Domini troopers began to fire at them.

 Over the next fifty-five minutes, the Elementals hunted the Blakist cyborg troopers, with Krog’s group being joined by one of the other two points of elementals. It became evident rather quickly to any Lancers watching that Krog had come with some very skilled Elementals to go hunting…

 As buildings were cleared, the Clansman leader notified the Lancer infantry, and they would come in behind the advancing battle armored troops to secure gains. All in all, the hunt and assault of positions held by Blakist infantry (both Domini and normal troops) would go on clear into the morning light, with small cells of resistance members linking up with the Lancers and helping to direct efforts to the right locations. It wasn’t all Elementals doing the work either, with Lancer Troops also launching assaults and Elementals playing clean up.

 By noon of the 14th, Hannings would notify Lancer Command back in Auburn that Zathras was 95 percent under Lancer control, with holdouts being rounded up.